Client: Gillette/Vaynermedia
Role: Concept, Scriptwriter, Art Direction
Black men are four times more likely to experience shaving-related bumps and ingrown hairs than non-Black men. So the leading name in men’s grooming products engineered a razor system and skincare regimen designed to protect Black men while shaving.
The SkinGuard razor worked, but we also knew that we needed to overcome a deep-seated distrust for razor shaving that had been earned through generations of trial and error with products not made for black men.
The Black barbershop is more than just a place to get a haircut. It’s a communal space where we feel free to be our full selves for the limited time we’re there. Our barber is often the only person entrusted to make our face look and feel its best. It’s a relationship built on a lot of trust and it can get very touchy if a client is suspected of going to a different barber. I’ve been letting my hair grow long, recently, and I haven’t been to my barber in months. I still haven’t figured out how to tell my barber—please send any thoughts.
Anywhoo, we used the unique tensions found in the Black barber-clent relationship to craft a relatable story that shows how Skinguard can make at home shaving more accessible for black men with sensitive skin.