
Bobby Selby is an award-winning Creative Director with a passion for film, design, and photography


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Featured Work ⇓


Client: Gillette/Vaynermedia
Role: Concept, Scriptwriter, Art Direction

Black men are four times more likely to experience shaving-related bumps and ingrown hairs than non-Black men. So the leading name in men’s grooming products engineered a razor system and skincare regimen designed to protect Black men while shaving.

The SkinGuard razor worked, but we also knew that we needed to overcome a deep-seated distrust for razor shaving that had been earned through generations of trial and error with products not made for black men.


The Black barbershop is more than just a place to get a haircut. It’s a communal space where we feel free to be our full selves for the limited time we’re there. Our barber is often the only person entrusted to make our face look and feel its best. It’s a relationship built on a lot of trust and it can get very touchy if a client is suspected of going to a different barber. I’ve been letting my hair grow long, recently, and I haven’t been to my barber in months. I still haven’t figured out how to tell my barber—please send any thoughts.

Anywhoo, we used the unique tensions found in the Black barber-clent relationship to craft a relatable story that shows how Skinguard can make at home shaving more accessible for black men with sensitive skin.


My Fav Shots


Director: Howard Grandison
DP: Franklin Ricart
Producer: Sheree Shu

Agency: Vayner Media
CCO: Rob Lenois
CDs: Eric Whitman & Alyssa Leary
Writers: Jack Rogosin & Myself
Art Direction: Me














training for life

Client: Beachbody
Role: Concept, Audio Direction, Visual Direction & Motion Graphics

Since 1998 Beachbody has set the benchmark for high-quality at-home fitness products designed to help anyone improve their physical fitness. Over time their brand became more associated with having vanity muscles, while large companies entered the space with more inclusive and body-positive messaging focusing more on wellness.

To help make Beachbody’s messaging appeal to more people than bodybuilders we reframed the reasons for wanting a beach body to be about being ready for anything life throws at us.

launch film

“Training For Life”

Pre-Roll & Social

“Train For Marriage”


“Train For Hornets”

“Train For Forgetting”

“Train For DIY”

“Train For Kids”


My Fav Shots

CCO: Rafael Rizuto
CD: Liz Loudy
ACD Art: Me
ACD Copy: Sam Mindich

Director: Ryan Ebner
Production: Art Class
Exec. Producer: Jeffrey Schroeder

EArning even more

Client: Chase
Role: Concept, Visual Direction & Motion Graphics

Cash back enthusiasts (…yes, that’s a real thing) work hard for their money and expect it to work hard for them in return. To remain enticing to this reward-seeking audience, Chase Freedom Unlimited added a slew of new cash back rewards to its core 1.5% on everything value proposition.

Card holders could now earn 3% cash back on dining and delivery, 3% at drugstores, 5% on travel booked with Chase and 1.5% on everything else.

That’s. Huge. News.

Kevin's New Rewards

Now, cutting through the noise on social would be a tall order in a normal year, but we all know 2020 was anything but a normal year. We knew we needed someone whose personality is larger than life to break through the suddenly overcrowded social media atmosphere. So, we recruited Kevin Hart (and his massive online following) to deliver some good news to current and new cardholders.


“So Fast”

“Breaking News”

Faux Collection Ads




Sticky Rewards




Agency: VaynerMedia
ECD: Kyle Arango
CD: Lauren Bolger
Senior CW: Andrew Siegel
Senior AD: Me

Director: Neil Brennan
Photographer: Kwaku Alston

Black &

Client: Walmart
Role: Concept, Art Direction & Design

Black Culture is often talked about as if it’s a monolith, when it is more akin to Black identity as a vibrant tapestry. So, when Walmart wanted to ignite potential for Black communities during black history month we knew it was the perfect opportunity to broaden that narrow perception by celebrating people and stories that aren’t normally seen in mainstream media.


Our launch film was crafted as a love letter to Black excellence.
It also shows how Walmart helps you snag the gear you need without breaking the bank.

Black & Unlimited Films
Brianna King
Anthony "Big Ant" Harris
Ron Griswell
Branché Foston
Out of Home

My Fav Shots


Agency: BBH
CCO: Rafael Rizuto
CDs: Liz Loudy, Katrina Mustakas
ACDs: Me, Sam Mindich

Director: Vanessa Beletic
Production: Huffman Creative
Photographer: Axel Kabundji
EP: Rebecca Jean-Louis


Client: A Wonderful World: The Louis Armstrong Musical
Role: Director

Get ready to party like it's 1929! The new Broadway production, A Wonderful World: the Louis Armstrong Musical, celebrates the life of trailblazing jazz legend and American icon, Louis Armstrong.

I was tasked with directing a spot to generate excitement for the show's upcoming preview and opening dates. To achieve this, I leveraged the star power of the leading man, Tony Award-winner James Monroe Iglehart. The film aims to transport audiences back to the vibrant world of jazz in the 20’s and prepare them for a wonderful romp through Satchmo's world. However, due to the productions James was performing in at that time, we couldn’t change his appearance (a.k.a.: no shaving). Which meant we couldn’t see his face…

God, I love a challenge!


“Get Ready”


My Fav Shots


Director: Me
EP: Rebecca Jean-Louis

Agency: The Pekoe Group
CD: Christopher Lueck
Producer: Amanda Pekoe

Bike Riding 101

Client: Multiverse
Role: Concept & Visual Direc

The old way of learning a job is broken.

The fact is, no amount of studying or testing can prepare you for a task quite like doing it. That’s as true for learning something complex like a tech job as it is for something as simple as riding a bike.

The future of learning a job is working that job.


My Fav Shots


Agency: BBH
CCO: Erica Roberts
CD: Amy Travis
ACD Copy: Jesse Custodio
ACD Art: Me



Client: Chase
Role: Concept, Art Direction, Retouching & Buffalo Wing Approver

Through the eyes of a responsible badass, there’s a lot of magic hidden in the everyday, mundane things you buy. The daily bread you purchase can lead to a different kind of dough. The gas money you spend taking your kids to soccer practice can eventually help you take them to a pro match. ⚽️

With a Chase Freedom card, you’re Always Earning.


One of the great things about earning cash back on every purchase is how it imbues even the most mundane of purchases with a little bit of magic. So, naturally, we wondered  “What if those mundane products magically sprang to life?”
[sound on]

We crafted 12 simple stories that combined seasonal spending moments, relatable purchases, and the Chase Freedom Unlimited card with a little bit of wit.

If you’re an ad nerd like me, shoot over DM me for a link the catalogue of assets. 😉

static assets

Agency: VaynerMedia
GCD: Kyle Arango
CD: Harun Zankel
S.CW: Stephan Lacombe
S.AD: Me

Buddhist Monks

Client: MCA DAY
Role: Concept & Visual Direction

Adam “MCA” Yauch was a founding member of the Beastie Boys and a devout Buddhist who fought for Tibetan independence. The annual MCA DAY event grew out of one fan's desire to remember the entertainer and humanitarian after his passing in 2012. To promote the event’s third year our team paid tribute to the late emcee with a special stunt in the heart of New York City.

Case Study

My Fav Shots

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